How To Marie Kondo Your Mental Health with The Refined Collective


Hi friends,

Recently I had the pleasure of joining my friend Kat Harris of The Refined Woman on The Refined Collective Podcast talking all about how to Marie Kondo Your Mental Health. Kat is passionate about empowering women to be themselves. She often talks about dating and singlehood, faith, and wellness. If you don’t listen to her podcast, then you should subscribe immediately because it’s got so much goodness!

I’m a huge fan of minimizing, simplifying, and reducing. When I first heard about Marie Kondo about 5 years ago and the Magic Art of Tidying Up, I was fascinated. I’m immensely sentimental and because of that, I like to keep things. Ticket stubs, pieces of ribbon, a show program - over the years I have accumulated boxes and boxes of stuff that I was really hesitant to let go of.

Eventually though, I learned the art of hanging onto things that “spark joy” and I haven’t looked back. I’ve reduced my closet by over 50%, I’ve moved on from so many possessions and shared them with people who could enjoy them more, and I feel lighter and more free than I ever had in my life.

In this episode you can listen to below, I share how I took Marie Kondo’s methods (aka the #KonMari method) and applied them to mental well-being. I hope you find these techniques helpful - reach out and let me know or leave a comment below!


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