If you feel like you've been hitting a wall lately...

coronavirus hitting a wall

For many of us, this week (or next) marks the one-year anniversary of going into lockdown.

We expected it to last a few weeks before we could go back to normal life.

Instead, our lives changed completely.

You’ve been doing your absolute best to keep it together, week after week.

But there’s only so much sustained stress a human can suffer through.

If you’ve been hitting a wall lately, it makes SO MUCH SENSE.

You’ve been riding the wave of uncertainty for a year. You’ve been grieving the loss of your plans and dreams for a year. You’ve been surviving the weight of constant hypervigilance for a year.

Remember, we are living through a time that is not like any other and it’s OKAY if you are not operating at full capacity. Honestly, how could you even expect to be, given the circumstances?

Where do we go from here?

When you can, find the simple joys.

When you can, count your blessings.

When you can, focus on what you can control.

And when you can’t?

Recognize that you are not a failure, you’re a survivor.

And it’s okay to hit a wall, cry, lose your shit, ask for help, or whatever you need to do right now because these days, just surviving is a huge victory. You’ve come this far. Don’t give up now.


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