Dear Early Career and Future Therapists

Did you know the things that will make you a good therapist aren’t the things you may have imagined?

☝🏻 Being a good therapist isn’t about reading every therapy book, memorizing Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, or ending every session at the 50-minute mark.

☝🏻 Being a good therapist also isn’t about having a rock-solid theoretical orientation, getting your notes done on time, or having a million followers on instagram.

☝🏻 Nor is it about having a book deal, presenting the most problem-free life, or feeling confident that you have all the answers.

What is needed to be a good therapist is to live fully and love your life, and trust me - the rest will follow.

👏🏻 Good therapists speak with clients about music, video games, their favorite ice cream flavor, and their pets. They can relate to their clients’ lives because they are truly living their own.

👏🏻  Good therapists know pain and disappointment on a personal level. Divorce, breakups, grief - these are the building blocks of deeper empathy for those around us.

👏🏻  Good therapists value rest and take breaks and vacations. They recognize that rest is essential to being the best version of themselves.

👏🏻  Good therapists know how to laugh and share laughter with their clients.

The best therapists are guides, not experts. They know it’s not all about having the answers, it’s about being present while empowering their clients to find the right answers for themselves. 💪

BTW, my mission is help people love their lives so they never want to leave them.

Every week I do my best to share things with you that are inspiring, encouraging, and beneficial.
If you like:

🧠 Simple mental health tips and inspiration

🗓️ Events you can attend with amazing people

💡Random thoughts and musings as one human to another, including things I’m learning as a therapist, digital nomad,
and person who is trying to be her best!

I have a weekly newsletter I think you might like and I would love for you to be a part of it. Just click the link below!


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