Best purchases for my mental health, as a therapist

In honor of mental health month, today I’m sharing with you a list of of 11 of my favorite items I’ve purchased as a therapist to support my mental health… because therapists have to look after our own mental health just like everybody else. 

We all know that the right tools and accessories can make all the difference in our mental health journey. I’m guessing at least a few of the items on this list may surprise you!

For the full list, click here. (Some of these items include affiliate links which give me a commission at no cost to you.) 

  1. A good water bottle

    I know there are a lot of trendy water bottles out there, but the best water bottle is one that you’ll actually use. This glass one avoid the downsides of a plastic water bottle, plus it tracks my water intake and I always find that I drink more water when I’m using a straw.

  2. White noise machine

    The hum of white or brown noise is not only relaxing, it helps with improving sleep quality. I also love that when I travel white noise helps drown out annoying unwanted noises. In a pinch I’ll use my phone but really love these portable units too. 

  3. Anxiety fidget ring

    I can’t believe how much I love this little ring. It’s like a little massage for your fingers and you can get a whole bag of them for cheap. I like to give them away as gifts and to people I meet while I’m travelling. 

  4. Standing desk + walking pad + Laptop stand

    This has been the biggest intervention I’ve been talking about these days because it’s been so impactful in my own wellbeing. Because we spend a great deal of time working, it’s no surprise our work set up matters when it comes to taking care of our mental and physical health. So let me just tell you that I wish I’d discovered this magical combo 20 years ago. The standing desk helps me reduce sitting time (which research says is just as bad as smoking) and the laptop stand keeps my neck properly aligned so I don’t get headaches and neck and back pain.The walking pad, if you can budget for it, it’s one of the greatest game changers of all time. Even on a super slow speed, it helps keep my energy up, my mind active and engaged, and helps me focus for much longer periods of time. 

  5. Mind Over Mood

    There are SO many great books to support mental health, but this workbook is a classic and so effective at teaching people skills to cope with anxiety, depression, and more, FAST.

  6. Eye mask

    Good sleep can be so hard to come by for so many of my clients. Most people aren’t able to get their bedrooms completely dark, and random lights from charging devices or other electronics can be distracting. An eye mask like this one (I’ve been using the silk version for years) are great because they give you space around your eyelids (eyelash extension sisters, I’m talking to you!) and they feel less constricting.

  7. LED candles

    I’m trying to reduce my blue light and bright light exposure at night to help my body’s circadian rhythms. These candles shocked me with how much they help me to wind down at night and help me get a good night’s sleep. They’re adjustable brightness and options to flicker or not mean that I can have them bright enough to read before bed, or keep them super low for ultimate vibes. They’re battery powered and remote controlled operated which means they turn on and off with the push of a button. I loved them so much, I bought a second set.

  8. Supplements

    Have you ever eaten a lot of sugar and then felt lethargic and kind of “gross” a few minutes later? Good nutrition and good mental health go hand in hand. Always talk to your doc, but for me, supplements like Vitamin C, D, Zinc, Fish Oil and Omega 3s keep my immune system happy and my mood high.

  9. Essential oils

    Ok so I’m not exactly an “essential oils” girly and I’m definitely not in an MLM, but I love utilizing all 5 senses to help improve our mental state… cue: essential oils. My personal favorites are peppermint and lavender for their calming effects.

  10. Weighted blanket

    Speaking of senses, comforting touch can offer such powerful healing benefits. This weighted blanket is SO nice because it’s just heavy enough to give you the pressure that can feel calming, BUT it’s so heavy that you feel anxious that you can move underneath it. 

  11. Earplugs

    Reducing stimuli can help reduce stress and this is where my trusty pair of earplugs comes in. Not only can they support a good night’s rest (especially when I’m travelling from place to place) but they can also be useful in louder high activity places like coffee shops and air planes. 

What would you add? 

Sometimes managing our mental health can be hard, but it doesn’t always have to be. Sometimes the simplest things, like looking after our sleep and getting some physical movement in, can make the biggest difference. And while this is by no means an exhaustive list, I hope it offers you some ideas you hadn’t considered before that help make your journey a little easier.

BTW, my mission is help people love their lives so they never want to leave them.

Every week I do my best to share things with you that are inspiring, encouraging, and beneficial.
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